The Solution - Keys To Life
Life is the most valuable asset that you will ever own

Life is iAre you living the life that you always imagined, the life that you really desire? Can you realise your dreams, or are they gradually slipping away from you?
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Life was never meant to be difficult, some people just make it that way so that it fits into societies and personally indoctrinated concept of what things should be like. Bridges or barriers are made which then give life to issues or problems that on many occasions don’t even deserve the light of day
Life was meant to be a wondrous adventure; that ideal is traded for whatever exists because of complacency when whatever occurs is accepted uncompromisingly. For many the status quo is far more acceptable than taking the supposed risks of pursuing change.
Setting yourselves free by removing anything that is undesirable from your life, no matter what or how high the cost. The cost is always what keeps the consciousness bound, due to being afraid to trade what is known for uncertainty. By removing the constraints that bind free will opens the way that leads to a better tomorrow, a far better life experience.
Each issue faced in life is the resulting outcome of the personal thoughts, words or actions. Like putting a match to dry paper it burns for sure, this is cause and effect in its simplest form. Everything that occurs in life is because it was given the energy to exist, the metaphorical spark to start the reaction, without this process nothing would ever see the light of day. This applies to positive desires as well as to the worst nightmares coming into existence to trample across your parade.
Life is an endless mass of distractions and diversions that will use up your life, leaving you finally without any of the benefits of achieving your true desires and life purposes, which usually turns out to be what gives you the most pleasure, to live a life of true bliss.
By focusing on the things, the experiences, that will have true value eternally memories are generated that will have wonder and provide joy forever. The things of mortal value are in themselves superfluous and without value in eternity; however, the memories and experiences linked to them could have value. While some memories may be hard to face in this life, in the next life they are all wonderful. It is memories that can be reflected upon throughout eternity, it is the quality of these memories that will make eternity into a heaven or hell.
Take care of every detail of your life, leaving no stone unturned, never just scratch the surface of anything you undertake, do it fully, until it is entirely completed; this is the only way to avoid regrets. You can’t change anything that has passed by, yet living a life to its full extent and purposes, while focusing on the future, is truly a joy to carry with you forever, literally. The things that really matter must be clearly identified, you do have an influence on identifying then choosing what to pursue and what to abandon.
Find out more by reading the book Life Is Simply A Game.