Life Quotations
From The Book of Life Series

Life Coaching Systems produces inspirational and motivational Quotes
Bringing possibilities to life.
Everything that you envision, give life to, becomes
part of your reality in one way or another.
We are each in control of our own destiny, no matter how
difficult that may be to comprehend. Immaterial of how
wondrous or dire your life situation may be there is
potential to modify or completely change it at will, to
become whatever you may desire. Believe it or not, you
are capable of recreating each and every aspect of your
life based on your desires. The minds capacity to dream,
or produce very intricate daydreams, is the unexploited
part of your ability to create what you want. However,
many don’t bring those dreams into reality, they stay
just dreams, desires, wishes, hopes, ideas that are
destined never to see the light of day.
You will be judged not only by what you do in life,
but also by what you didn’t achieve or do.
The quality of your destiny is governed by your action
or inability to act, by your ability to dream or not, by
our desires or lack of desires. You are the masters of
your own universe, this is your playground were you can
do whatever you want, achieve whatever your hearts
It is your imagination that sets your reality on
fire, bringing your dreams to life.
Achieving desires is vulnerable to procrastination, weak
desires, lack of perseverance and the inability to
maintain focus; yet never giving up until what you
desire actually becomes yours is what creation is all
It is your course through life that makes you what
you, not what others think or say you are.
You are indeed a product of your own making, what you
experience is what you have made real through your
thoughts. How you funnel your desires, controlling them,
molding them into the concepts that you desire to become
real in your life will determine how glorious your life
will actually be.
If you don’t take full control of your life someone
or fate will.
Knowing you can create whatever you want, whenever you
want, enables your life to be what you really want it to
be, a joy and a wonder. To not live up to your true
potential is indeed a waste; start to manage your life
now by taking control of each detail of your life. Make
your life what you desire it to be through the use of
your creative powers.
Control Your Life
- You are the sole architect of your life
- The quality of your life is limited only by what you are prepared to accept.
- The paths you take lead to the life you make
- Any situation can be as simple or as complicated as you wish to make it.
- Embrace change foreseen or otherwise
- Manage the potential elements of change with a clear focus.
- Life is an experiment of thought
- Thoughts create and govern everything we perceive.
- Why be a puppet of other’s desires
- Avoid bending your desires to match the will of others.
- What you want to become
- The cost of freedom is being strong enough to create your own way.
- Follow your rules that make your life ideal
- You alone have the right to decide every element of your life.
- Are your desires being met
- Don’t crucify yourself on a cross of your own making.
Bringing possibilities to life.
Everyone is given the potential to excel, whether
you do or not is entirely up to you.
You are more than the identity that your brain creates;
open up your heart and mind to the infinite wonderful
experiences there are available in life. Not limiting
your beliefs opens pathways to infinite potential
Focus your intuitive thoughts to identify what is
truly worth pursuing.
Life is indeed a gamble, the ultimate game of chance,
based purely upon having the ability to make the right
choices at the right time. LIfe is just a game of
chance, a dance with fate if you let it be so. Or you
could choose to play by your rules to win.
Nothing of worth was ever achieved without the
element of persistence.
Life gives to you what you expect, what you are prepared
to accept. Life will simply keep repeating itself unless
you continually add some new experiences through your
desires. Belief can be used to create those things
you desire in your life. Life is actually a journey of
your desires, a game you can play to creating whatever
you wish within your reality.
Don't surrender your reality to others, life is
yours alone to control.
Only the future offers you the opportunity to become
what you want. You can't recreate the past, but you can
create the future you desire and dream of. Create your
life path, your fortune. Start living by taking the
control of your life now.
First must make changes within yourselves before
starting to try to change your external world.
The keys, laws and rules to creating a better life are
not hidden, they are there for anyone who looks to see
them; that is if you have the energy or forethought to
actually take the time to determine what these elements
to a better life actually are. Many experiences are
available in life, but most of us just let them slip by
without a second thought. Yet these experiences are
intended to put us into a frame of mind, to learn or
grow, to create within our minds a chain of thoughts
that will lead us to a better understanding of things,
to a better life.
Master the laws of creation
- You are the sole architect of your life
- Take control of your life, using positive thoughts to create your reality.
- You are limited the unwillingness to take action
- Seek ways to live your life as you originally intended.
- You have the final decision what you chose
- You are free to be anything you want through the power of creation
- Life is an experiment of thought
- You have the sole responsibility for what happens to you in life.
- Continually improve on your dreams
- You have the sole responsibility for what happens to you in life.
- Tune in to the intuitive and creative abilities
- Don't surrender your reality to others, life is yours alone to control.
- Achieving the passion for living your dreams
- Not limiting beliefs opens pathways to infinite potential.
- Put your desires into action
- Desires are the essence of who you are and who you wish to become.