Life Is a circus Book
Your perception drives your actual environmental reality

Life has all the thrills and excitement similar in many ways to the big top 3 ring Circus. In life, there are daily performances, drama, enjoyment, excitement, risks, and then satisfaction after a successful day. Life is full of characters that resemble Circus personalities, clowns in their behaviour, ringmaster-like characters who are always active dictating and making demands, and people taking risks like trapeze artists, all creating the enjoyment and satisfaction of observing life's events.
About Life Is A Circus - Change Your World
Just like any circus, life has entertaining or boring moments, dedicated actors, strong and weak people, geniuses, and clowns, the similarities are indeed numerous. There are performances, drama, and excitement that catch the attention of others, mistakes occur leading to tragedy, along with the glamour which masks real-life experiences including failure, disappointment, even a fall from grace.
The cost to take part in this 'Circus of Life' mostly takes the form of your time, along with the financial, physical, and mental energy required which needs to be specifically utilised as the means to achieve exactly what is expected or most desired by both oneself and others. Just as the performance in a circus, the same requirements for rewards apply to life in general, to become proficient or expert at anything takes focused study, a deep passion, in-depth training, and lots of practice, together with a firm vision of the expected results.
Life can indeed have all the thrills and excitement of the circus, with the unexpected, breathtaking events unfolding constantly. The mesmerising performances, the barely believable and seemingly impossible at times made real before one's very eyes; the glitter, glamour, and the mundane that all exist, the ridiculous brought to light, the daring chances taken, the risks that have untold consequences or rewards. There are choices for excitement along with a vast array of opportunities to pursue or ignore, situations that were once only imagined subsequently being brought to life within reality.
Success is paid for by the investment of time, energy, and finances, with the necessary focus on achievement without failure. There is no option for the lion tamer or the trapeze artist to perform at less than 100 percent, any laziness, lackadaisical attitude, or lack of attention to detail due to familiarity has the potential to spell disaster. Likewise in life, the ultimate sacrifices are often required to achieve excellence in personal and occupational goals. At all the stages and areas of life, there are demands to obtain certain levels of success, which can be achieved through applying the required level of effort and amount of time that is expected or necessary to gain the targeted end result of any undertaking.
In life, just as in the circus, timing is always critical in order to achieve the required outcome. A circus act goes through stages of gradually revealing excitement and climaxes of the performance; life does this too, with unexpected occurrences, even moments of joy to relieve any sadness. Presentation and perfection of performance are the key elements of any endeavour that is of value and appreciated highly by others, as expectations govern the level of acceptability of any action, second-best certainly isn't expected or applauded.
In many ways, the thrills of daily life tend to mirror all the excitement of the circus, with people acting out self-created roles to attract or keep attention, portraying a testament to what they have become over time. Continually, putting on acting performances for an audience of friends or onlookers by dressing up to catch the attention or approval of casual acquaintances, onlookers, and passers-by alike. Reality has become a clown world of the weird, ridiculously unreasonable, unsound, or incongruous, leaving many incredulous at what has become thought of as normal that they observe on a daily basis.
There is always predictability or unpredictability in the unfolding of life's experiences or what is perceived or observed. Familiarity often has the potential to disappoint any assumed progression of events or how changeable what happens can become. Much like the excitement of trapeze artists, thrill-seekers risk driving fast cars or taking part in extreme sports. The value extracted from life is all about the satisfaction gained from performances and keeping up attention and interest, acting out prescribed roles with rote precision, brought about by years of practice of perfecting or acquiring various traits. Life is a mirror-image representation of a circus which just like circus performances come to a finale at some stage, this conclusion becomes obvious also in life and should be anticipated and then accepted as inevitable.
In times of difficulty or instability, the main calling cry is always "The show must go on".
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